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What can newcomers learn from surfers?

Writer's picture: Cema SantosCema Santos

Updated: Oct 7, 2023

What can newcomers learn from surfers?

I love watching the surfers catching their waves; it is so hypnotic!

And this morning, while walking with our dogs, I took a bit of time to watch a group of surfers.

I suddenly had this image in my head of newcomers looking for jobs x surfers looking for the best waves.

I came home and decided to find more info on how to catch the best waves, and I found tips that I can relate to newcomers searching for jobs in the new land, like:

1- Paddle with Purpose

Surfers: paddle with intention and move into the best places to catch the waves.

Newcomers: attend networks to improve your networking skills to get to know the best people in town who can lift you (remember, networking is a two-way process).

2 - Line up with a landmark.

Surfers: The ocean is a massive playing field with nothing that will allow you to gauge your positioning visually

Newcomers: You can find gazillions of jobs advertised online. What are you looking for? Is your resume able to translate your skills and get you a job position where you can grow in your career?

3 - Find your rhythm early

Surfers: Sometimes, you have to surf yourself into a rhythm. The longer you take to catch your first wave, the harder it will be to get going.

Newcomers: You must learn the local systems (official information, not the gossip) as soon as possible. The longer you take to understand how the system works, the harder it will be to reconnect with your career.

In Australia, your skills are more relevant than your job title.

4 - Move around

Surfers: Have you ever noticed how much the top surfers paddle around? They're constantly on the move. So don't be afraid to break free from the pack and go it alone.

Newcomers: Why are you procrastinating, looking for the same jobs, or even gathering with the same kind of people? Move around, break free from the pack, and make things work.

5 - Hijack your negative self-talk

Surfers: Be thankful that you're surfing, embrace everything it offers, and don't beat yourself up about everything.

Newcomers: Be thankful that you're living in a new land, and embrace everything it offers!

Like mastering surfing abilities, employment in the new land takes time. So when you apply for jobs, be aware that rejection is part of the process (like missing a wave). Then learn to refine your next application, finding and filling the gaps to nail it next time.

Dear newcomer, THAT job you are looking for may be just around the corner, but when you are not aware of it, you won't be able to see it or catch that opportunity. The paddling is endless in this case...

source: House of surf

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